Washington DC - Home For The Next Six Months

Friday March 6th 

I have kept this pretty close to the vest but for those of you who don't know, about a year ago the Office of Community Policing in Washington DC (COPS Office) , Dept of Justice put out a call for a newly created position of "Law Enforcement Fellow" , which is to be a serving police officer who is assigned to the office. I applied for this position and was chosen several months ago as the first ever fellow. I leave in the morning for DC where I will be spending 2 weeks a month until the end of Sept. working for the COPS office as a subject matter expert dealing with critical response, emerging issues in law enforcement and collaborative reform. I will truly have the ability to work on serious issues that affect US Law Enforcement and hopefully come up with some ideas that really make a difference in community and re establish public trust. This is without a doubt, the most important job I have ever had in my life. So, I will do my best to continue to make a difference in our community and now our nation. I would not be able to do this without the support of the command staff at Hawthorne Police and I thank them.

We have lot's of work to do as a nation and as a profession, it's time to get to work....

Saturday March 7th

Man that's a long plane ride! I made it to DC and as a bonus got an AMAZING photo out the window of the Lincoln memorial looking toward the Washington monument. I made it to my little hotel and didn't realize that where I am staying in Crystal City is all UNDERGROUND! Like all the stores and places are under the streets, it's pretty strange. I managed to get settled and had dinner, I ended up having a nice view from my room, and if I look hard enough I can see the Pentagon. I am gonna try and learn how to take the subway tomorrow , I am such an L.A.. guy, I have no idea how to take a subway of bus...as they say, nobody walks in L.A.!

Landing soon!

Landing soon!

View from my hotel

View from my hotel

Sunday March 8th. 

What is up with that time change...I lost 4 hours! Man it's just my luck I would come to the east coast on the day of the "spring ahead". So I tried valiantly to figure out how to take the trains...red line, orange line, silver, green, and every other color under the sun. I got frustrated and just got on a train and didn't care where it went. So eventually I pretty much figured it out.

My daily commute

My daily commute

I walked around DC reflecting on things, why I have come to this place, what it means to be a police officer and the issues that are in the forefront of our profession right now. I went to the police memorial and saw my two friends and colleagues names on the memorial wall. It was sobering to watch, I could see other people , many of whom I figured where Cops. Looking for names of loved ones who were lost.

My commute

My commute

Officer Garton and Sergeant Luna.  Reminder of why we do what we do.  

Officer Garton and Sergeant Luna.  Reminder of why we do what we do.  

I decided to walk and think, I ended up at the Smithsonian American history museum which was really neat. They have Julia Child's kitchen as an exhibit, so I checked that stuff out and took some neat photos.

Julia Child" kitchen

Julia Child" kitchen

Tomorrow , I have to get up bright and early and take the train into DC to the Dept of Justice building where this adventure awaits. I am excited to start and excited that our little city, will get to help make a positive impact on our nation. I already miss my family, but they understand that this is something that must be done. I start early in the morning, so wish me luck folks , and I will try to blog as much as I can...including food and sightseeing stuff and lots of photos.      

My new office!

My new office!