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hiring opportunities for police officers and support staff!
Find detailed information on daily business matters such as crime prevention resources, neighborhood crime statistics, vehicle citation or impound matters, and filing a police report.
Nationally-recognized for innovative Community Policing programs. See how we invent and implement programs that increase Hawthorne’s safety, partnerships, and public trust.
Find our convenient ways to get in touch with us including email, telephone, or ‘live-chat’ right from this website. Hawthorne City services including LAC Fire and graffiti-removal can also be found here.
Here you will find the latest news about us. Along with press releases, we routinely share Department achievements, personal blogs and stories about everyday life at HPD and about our community programs.
The best way to keep up with what our officers are doing daily out in the community. Here you will find our social media connections informative and engaging.
A great place to learn about our Department, our leadership, our vision, our organization, and our philosophies behind all of the services we provide for our community. Some cool photos too!