First Day at Work

Monday March 9th

Up early for my first "commute" via the Metro line, I managed to get to the office early, the problem was...the people I needed to meet were not as early as I was, so I froze in the snow outside for 30 min. I was welcomed to the COPS Office and was pretty excited to learn that Hawthorne has already made an impact as a community policing leader with some pretty innovative and forward thinking programs. I had not been at the office for more than an hour when I found myself sitting in a meeting regarding Ferguson Mo. Wow, I was pretty excited to be thrown right into the fire and to have some input into things of such importance. 

I had to take a shuttle across DC to the main Dept of Justice to get an I.D. that would get me past the impressive security at the 2 Constitution building . It was impressive to say the least, with beautiful art on the walls, and i even got to look at "The great hall" where all the big press events are held. I also have to say, that the cafeteria makes a mean chicken salad sandwich!

I was really impressed with all the smart minds working at the COPS Office, it seems like everyone has a PhD except me! When the day ended it was time to commute home, wow, they cram people in the trains like sardines ! It really gives me perspective over the "freeway commute in the cocoon of your car" thing that we all do in L.A. I made it back to my little room and cooked "chicken for one". I miss my family and friends and all of you in Hawthorne, but this is a fantastic adventure and I wonder what tomorrow will bring!