Victims’ Services - Attorney General Resources
The Victims' Services Unit of the Attorney General's Office offers crime victims and their families support and information at every stage of the criminal process. Victims have rights, and the Attorney General is committed to ensuring that those rights are protected. The Victims' Services Unit provides appeal notification to victims and their families, as well as assistance and outreach when the Attorney General’s Office is prosecuting a case. Additionally, the Victims' Services Unit has a state-wide toll free number for victim inquiries.
To receive notification of the status of an appeal or status updates on a case that the Attorney General’s Office is prosecuting visit: Marsy's Law - Victim Notification. To obtain resource information, contact Victims' Services Unit at 1-(877) 433-9069 or by internet at: Victim Services.
Through the Victims’ Services Unit, crime victims and the family of victims now are able to track the status of appeals and recusal cases. These updates allow victims and their families to exercise their rights to testify or otherwise participate in parole, clemency and execution proceedings.
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